24h World Clock

Two timezones at a glance

The time in Rio
My local time
...dont' want to wake him up
He might already be awake...
Yes, 6pm my time is good for a call...

Do you need to contact somebody in another timezone regularly? Are you tired of calculating when it will be a good time to do that? Not anymore!

This app compares your local time with another location and shows all 24 hours at a glance!

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Over 8.000.000 Million places

Get the correct time for all places world-wide

Set up multiple timezonesTrack all your relevant locations at the same time. You can select the locations either on a list or a map view.

Easy to use gesture controlsSelect a timezone by simply turning the wheel with your finger. You will see the main cities of that zone straight away.

Customize your availabilitySet up your local and the remote availability per hour.

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